Monday, October 15, 2012

Frieze...The Latest

There is a special place in you know where for the inventor wall paper and wall paper borders. I grew up in a house where every room had wall paper and for obvious reasons; to conceal the endless cracks in the plaster. In "modern" homes it's purely decorative but it ages quickly. Nothing says "1997" like the flowery border that was in this bathroom. The same border is in our master bedroom. Seeing what a soul crusher this has been to remove I'm going to leave that as is in our bedroom. At least for the time being.

The "freshening" of our master bath vanity is a back breaking ordeal that has me mixing curse words that would make The Old Man from A Christmas Story proud. The removal of the old wall paper border was a fairly arduous process, particularly the border that was placed around the useless "soaking tub" but it is what it is. My plan for this week is to get one if not two more coats of "skim" up on the top of the room. The "soaking tub" work will take a little longer because I had to remove a bead of caulk at the top of the pieces of marble on top of the outside of the tub. Three if not four coats of skim will finish that off.

Then, next Saturday, my plan is to sand the room and prep for paint on Sunday. Once this major project is done I will be moving to expansion of my workbench/work shop area. I need to expand it to make it more a better work area. I need a better work area and more storage undernearth to work on various projects around the hourse but most importantly I need an expansive area to fabricate, "The Frieze".

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