Monday, December 17, 2012

The Frieze Update

With the completion of the master bathroom vanity renovation, my attention has turned back to my workbench and the Frieze that I want to put at the top of it.  A lovely idea that has taken a seat at the back of the project bus. The toilet/bath area is next to get freshened and I need a larger work area in the garage to not only update mouldings, but to install new shower doors.

My new plans include expansion of the original structure, something that was not in the original expansion plans.  

My original expansion plans were to include a 10 ½ foot long, 22 inch wide adjoining bench along with a second level of storage shelving under that extension. I also planned on adding shelving beneath the original bench. 

My plan now is to expand the entire bench to 33 inches wide with 33 inch wide accompanying lower level storage. Overall expansion will nearly quadruple the size of the workbench.
I built the modest, 22 inch wide, 8 foot long original in 2010 with the idea that I would be purchasing a large, vintage automobile that I’d store here in the third bay.  

A large, full size bench would take up considerable room, particularly at the rear of the garage facing the garage doors. Room that a large automobile, say an early 1970s Cadillac at nearly twenty feet long, would need.
We did buy a vintage car, a 1977 Chevrolet Corvette, but we store it in the primary bays of the garage during summer months and off site during the colder weather months.

If I can't get work started on it this weekend it may have to wait until after the holidays. When it is completed my work bench will dwarf our kitchen in size and scope.

Bring on The Frieze! 

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