Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Work Bench Update - The Frieze is Still Not Complete

When I was younger, I never understood how and why some people get a sense of calm out of being organized. It dawned on me recently that my innate lack of organization was making me anxious so that calm that people get from order? I totally get that now and any sense of order that I create helps to center me.

With a rash of lumber on hand after a basement storeroom remodel, I finally got around to adding  shelving under my massive workbench. It had become a catch-all for everything in the garage and it was overwhelming to keep clean and tidy.

Of course, I couldn't just add shelving but shelving that was a combination of drawers and shelving. These two shelves are moveable - quite handy.

Only thing is, I used shelving guides for light duty kitchen cabinets. When I load these up with my heavier tools, they come off the undersized guides and the drawers/shelves collapse. I need to upgrade to heavy duty units so I don't have to go through the hassle of pulling everything off the shelves every time I need to put them back on. They're expensive so the project can wait but it eventually needs to get done. In the meantime, they're perfectly fine if they stay in the same place.

The additional shelving gives me more space on my workbench so there's less the chance of maddening clutter. Perhaps I'll be so inspired by my new sense of garage order that I'll find the time to finally complete the frieze. But I doubt it.

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