Sunday, March 2, 2014

Yankee Stadium Frieze Shutters

A challenge we have with our man cave is you can't watch anything down here on the TV during the day. The light coming in through the glass blocks all but sun blinds the TV. Yes, even a modern, 60 HD TV is not bright enough to overcome the power of the sun. Even the meak light they call sunlight here in Cleveland.
My "simple" solution is to build shutters for those windows inspired by, surprise, the Yankee Stadium Frieze. Rather than subject myself to my crude free hand drawings, I've gone back to the conference room at the office and put a projected image of a Frieze on packing paper so I could make a template. That's a picture of the concrete and fiberglass, 1976-2008 Frieze that adorned center field on Yankee Stadium 2.
At 42" by 18", these Frieze shutters would dwarf the 35" by 15" window openings and, as I've come to realize, intrude on my Yankee insignia. Centering the shutters on the windows compounding the issue since the Yankees logo is all but dead center on the wall.  Could I or should I have realized this before I made the template? Perhaps. But the point is I've realized this problem before any serious work began. Part of any project is running into detail issues and resolving them.
While I could gain and inch and half of room by moving the frame onto the sign instead of around it, there's little I can do to move the Yankees logo. As much protest as the pin striping back drop got when I first made this last summer, we've grown quite accustomed to it. It ain't going anywhere.  
My solution is to go back to the drawing board, or screen, and make a smaller template. One that would have me being able to fit not only a Frieze into the window opening (and back it with a sheet of plywood painted Yankees blue) but not have me alter the Yankees logo. Although, I still might go back and put the frame on the sign as opposed to around it. That was the original plan anyway.
I'm also toying with the idea of putting a Frieze across the top of the entire wall. With the smaller dimensions I'm thinking about now, it's doable. Also, with the smaller Frieze, I could, I think, do most of the cutting with a scroll saw. The larger Frieze would be too big for even a band saw. Look at that detail. That's a lot of cutting.
Stay tuned.

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