Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Frieze - The Frieze and The Freeze

With projects that take longer than I originally planned I usually get to a point where I feel as though they're never going to get finished. I'm there right now with this work bench expansion/Yankee Stadium Frieze project. The good news is that the new 'bench looks fantastic.

The plan here is to expand the original work bench, add an additional work bench the same size as the expanded "old" bench and add shelving under the entire structure. I plan to paint the whole thing (undecided on the color scheme) and finally, to finish it off, add a Yankee Stadium inspired Frieze at the top of the whole thing.


Time goes by so fast. After spending an entire weekend expanding the existing the bench and framing out the new one and the shelving, I thought I had maybe one more weekend of work on it to get it finshed. Yeah. Well, the next weekend I had to go to Memphis on business so I lost that weekend. Last Saturday I lost the day because it was freezing cold outside and only slightly warmer inside the garage. Forget that. The Frieze has to wait til the Freeze passes.

This past Sunday I had maybe 2 hours to work on it when it was a little warmer. I got the shelving under the new side of the bench reenforced. That was it.


This week has been a sweet old tease. It's been 55 to 60 degrees all week so far. Just in time for the weekend we're expecting a good old fashioned blast of mid January Fury 'd Mother Nature. Great. If I'm going to get anything done out here this weekend it'll have to be done with me looking more like the Michelin man than a hack weekend carpenter.
I'm getting there, though. The original structure above as become the beast below.

Time marches on. So does the cold. It's been a pretty intense winter so far.

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