Sunday, July 28, 2013

Frieze Update - Outta The Park!

We're rapidly approaching a year since I first blogged that I would attempt to build a Yankee Stadium inspired "Frieze" at the top of my work bench. Time flies when you're having fun. And busy making mistakes.
Much had to be done before I could get to this stage where I can finally start seriously planning the Frieze itself. First, I expanded my existing workbench by more than four times it's original size. That expansion also included a complete electrical overhaul and lastly, the lovely paint job you see here.  
Delays began shortly after I first blogged about the Frieze. First things first. A time sucking and soul crushing bathroom remodel took up nearly all of my time last fall.  


Then, the expansion. I'm not a carpenter and my time is blissfully limited. So this took me a very long time to complete. Expanding the original structure, construction of an entirely new "wing" and the construction  of decking under the entire thing took three months. Some weekends were a complete loss because of my mistakes. Did I tell you that I'm not a carpenter?
Work began during a freakishly warm day last January. Inspired by the lovely weather, I thought I could get this thing built in a Sunday afternoon. Hardy. Har. Har.
Warm days in the dead of winter are funny. This day it might have been 60 degrees. More like mid '50s. That's short sleeve weather in January, hoodie weather in August. Y'know, though, temperature not withstanding, any day is a good day to get your hand stuck in a vise.
Three months of building, rebuilding, tearing apart and rebuilding later and I finally finished it. Just in time. I was sick and tired of this thing.

Low and behold, I do have other interests. An impulsive project for our basement man cave around July 4th gave me the impetuous to buy a gallon of what I call, "Yankee Blue". It's actually more like Penn State blue but who's counting. With 99.9 % of the paint left after I finished this Yankees logo, I had no other choice than to dive into painting the work bench.

My wife was not happy with my painting of it. She let me know that she was a fan of the "wood look". Stay calm and carry on.  

Two Sunday mornings of Bob Kingsley and I was able to knock this thing out. Of the ball park. I think it handsome as all get out.

The blue against the white make a perfect Yankee Stadium like contrast.

I even added supports to the "upper deck" shelving that will anchor the Frieze when it turns at "home plate". It also lends symmetry to the entire structure.

We are ready for the Frieze. At last. Stay tuned.

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