Friday, August 10, 2018

1977 Chrysler Cordoba - Another Cordoba?

Another Cordoba? Well, yeah. And, c'mon. I haven't blogged about one for a while and this 1977 is really nice. An absurd asking price of $13,850 and the ugliest interior pattern I've ever seen is not going to dissuade me from taking another drive down memory lane in Ricardo Montalban's "small Chrysler".

Since I was so fond of my Cordoba, I feel compelled to blog about them whenever I come across one. Sadly, that's becoming increasingly less frequent; I haven't seen one in person in years and they come up less and less whenever I search the net for one. At car shows, I see plenty of Monte Carlo's and Grand Prix'. Even mid '70's Thunderbirds but I've never seen a Cordoba at one. 

I've written so often about these cars and what mine meant to me that I can do little more than simply marvel at this car's condition and be slack-jawed at its asking price. Would anyone really pay anywhere near the asking price for a Cordoba? And this oh-so-1970's interior? Good lord. Ricardo Montalban's much heralded and ridiculed "soft, Corinthian Leather" was a significant upgrade from whatever this is. For the record, this was called "Checkmate cloth".

Much like the home you grew up in, it's the memories you had in the house or experienced while you lived there that flood you emotionally whenever you drive by it or see a photograph of it. Cars do that for me too; especially Cordoba's. It's not that they were good or bad cars; if anything they were atypical American cars of the time. It's that I did a lot of growing up in the 4 1/2 years I owned mine all those years ago and my ride through all the good, bad, ugly and indifferent was at least something fairly unique and memorable.

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