Monday, February 11, 2013

Frieze - Will this Ever Get Finished?

Months ago I started planning what has turned into a massive remodeling project. Months later, I wonder if I will ever get to what originally inspired it.

Let's review. I want to place a Yankee Stadium inspired Frieze (pronounced Freeze) on the top shelf of my work bench. Before I could do that, though, I thought it best to rebuild/expand my workbench. What the heck, y'know? That would include expanding the original bench, the addition of new bench to the left of the original bench and adding a platform underneath for shelving and what not.

So, above becomes below. What you don't see is how primitive below was when I first "finished it". It wasn't square, hardly plum and certainly wasn't something that would increase the value of our home. No matter how pretty it may look when painted or in the case of this picture, 10 feet away. 

I have no one to blame for this mess other than myself. First, I'm a woefully inexperienced carpenter and engineer. Secondly, I don't have the tools necessary to quickly pull off what it is I want to do and finally, I just don't have a lot of time. There's also the weather. When it's 10 degrees outside that means it might be 25 in here.

Back to the inexperienced part. I've made so many mistakes building this thing that I'm at the stage where I'm doubting I will ever finish it. And then, on top of the mistakes I keep working around the challenges I've encountered by doing even more work! Example. Because the panels for the shelving platform that I had custom cut at Lowes are 8 feet long and the work bench is 10, I'm going to now move that post you see above over below in by two feet. That means those frame rails will also have to be moved 2 feet necessitating yet another dismantling and rebuild. Great.

My greatest folly. Not only is was the kick plate here too long but the whole thing was slanted like a ski slope. I can't believe I didn't keep an eye on making sure this was level. It was so bad you could see something was off just by looking at it. Not good. Rip it out. Rebuild. Again. And again till I got it right.

Honestly, if I was as bad at my job as I am at carpentry I'd be unemployed. Who would hire me? Who would pay me to work on their home or business? Certainly, if I was paying someone to build this for me and they were taking as long as I am I would bolt the garage shut and tell them to get lost.

I know that I grossly underestimated the complexity of this thing. These aren't shelves as much as they are elevated flooring. They're going to be that sturdy when completed.

Onward. And upward.

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